Friday, November 22, 2013

American Guns

Just had a brilliant idea: Why not make November 22nd* American Firearms Day? We can each take a few moments to remember the Freedom & Liberty armed crazies wandering the streets have brought this country while glossing over the millions dead because people like you are trusted w/ firearms in this shithole of murder & slavery we call America, & to remember that were it not for guns, we wouldn't need guns!!
*June 6th? How about April 14th? Wait, just pick from this list. Of course, if there were dates more specific than the yr. it would be a bit easier. Good fucking job, Wikipedia. Do you want to be shot, Wiki? Because you're fucking w/ our right to free & easy access to all information.


mikey said...

Meh. Focus on the handguns, recognize the stupid constitutional guarantee prevents direct logical legislation, start working on market solutions like liability insurance and numeric purchase limits that can pass within the framework of the idiotic 2nd amendment...

Weird Dave said...

While I don't agree with everything <a href=">the Colonel has to say</a>, there is this part:

<i>4. We believe that advocates of massive home armaments/weapons stores should be sent to a country where this is a reality and see how well that is working out for the inhabitants of that nation. Specifically, we propose mass deportation of those who espouse this theory to the place where they can see it in action. To wit, Baghdad, Iraq, where every household is entitled to own and maintain an AK-47. Said relocation is to be paid for by the USG.</i>