Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Big Gulp® Politics

First former half-term ex-Alaska Gov. Palin, now two more losers, toupéed turkey & funny-talking weirdo Kentucky Senator Rand Paul & sodomite-slapping Virginia A.G./gubernatorial candidate Ken Cuccinelli, have taken up the cause of 7-Eleven® against Nanny Bloomberg. (Wouldn't it be wonderfully ironic if the above-mentioned quartet of Republicans were to die painfully in a fiery car wreck in a 7-Eleven® parking lot? PROTIP: Brake lines are easy to cut. A pocket knife should do it, & there probably aren't goons & thugs protecting their cars while they're giving their speeches full of lies. Get to work, Virginians!)
Cuccinelli’s Fairfax rally was meant for the other voters, the ones being outnumbered. Shortly before 3 p.m., they streamed in, signed up for get-out-the-vote operations, and picked up Cuccinelli or “I Am the NRA” signs being passed out by volunteers. When Cuccinelli arrived, it was side by side with Paul, the two of them hoisting 64-ounce Double Big Gulps.

“I heard Mike Bloomberg wanted to buy the governor’s office down here,” Paul explained, “and I figured after he took my Big Gulp, he’d come after my guns.”
Sick/tired/&c. of the same old same old from the spawn of Ron. We do have a suggestion or two about what the Senator can do w/ his guns & his lame rug, all of which involve a hospital/mortuary visit/stay. Listen to this crap & then tell us you disagree, pacifist weaklings.Not to ignore yesterday's reasons to do something, for gawd's sake! MAKE IT STOP!!(What's the real deal here? Lazy staffers/speechwriters? "Gattaca*? Oh, great. More governing by Hollywood. Aren't we supposed to hate "liberal Hollywood?" Whatever. Copy & paste something from IMDb or Wikipedia. Senator Hairpiece won't know the diff.")

Look, we're only trying to drag America's political discourse from an elementary school to a junior highmiddle school level. The United Snakes being a nation that can't make an omelette unless it breaks all the eggs in the kitchen & then goes to the barnyard & kills a hen or two to show who's boss, don't any of you Yankee scum dare blame us for having to threaten violence & murder for our message of peace & shut the fuck up to be heard.

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