Sunday, September 22, 2013

Work Is The Problem,  Not the Solution

Pope Francis has called for a global economic system that puts people and not "an idol called money" at its heart, drawing on the hardship of his immigrant family as he sympathised with unemployed workers in a part of Italy that has suffered greatly from the recession.
All well & good, but hard to believe there'll be reform when the "people first" people follow their plea for humanity w/ the usual clichéd crap about work & its alleged dignity.
"Where there is no work, there is no dignity," he said, in ad-libbed remarks after listening to three locals, including an unemployed worker who spoke of how joblessness "weakens the spirit". But the problem went far beyond the Italian island, said Francis, who has called for wholesale reform of the financial system.

"This is not just a problem of Sardinia; it is not just a problem of Italy or of some countries in Europe," he said. "It is the consequence of a global choice*, an economic system which leads to this tragedy; an economic system which has at its centre an idol called money."
Which is more fucking "dignified," wage-slaving at a job that often involved interaction w/ others (You have no "dignity" if fear of losing a crummy low-paying job prevents you from expressing the ugly truth about the assholes imposing themselves on you.) for a few nickels more than US$8.00/hr., or not working yet receiving about US$300.00/mo. more from disability payments (earned through 30 yrs. of wage-slavery & FICA contributions) than the paycheck?

Dignity. A bead-rattler who probably never worked a day (let alone a body & mind numbing eternity) in his life but has collected Holy Welfare since seminary understands the "dignity of work?" Not bloody likely. Their union is so strong priests can't be fired (only transferred) from a Church gig even if they're caught w/ the proverbial live boy/dead girl. Literally.
*Choice? Were we around the corner buying cigarettes or sleeping or, or ... something when a choice was offered? We have no fucking memory whatsoever of any options.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

If you became a preacher or cult leader, you could probably rake in some big bux tax free by fleecing the rubes, then split when you've piled up your nest egg.

You know you could do it!

Weird Dave said...

What makes money worth anything at all?