Sunday, July 1, 2012

Oh, Canada!

It's their day or sumpin'.
Pirates!! We knew it!
Note to Canucks, Frogs, & Froggo-Canucks: This month belongs to the United Snakes. We don't need you sneaky furrin fucks trying to get your national natal day in three days ahead of us, or ten days after.

P.S.: The Canucks don't really call their aerobatic team the "Snowbirds," do they? They do? Really?
Snowbirds over Parliament in Ottawa. July 1, 2008.
Note to our several Canadian readers: We tease because we sorta like you, & congrats on getting the Witch of Windsor off your backs.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Plus they're gonna take all our wingnuts as they flee SOCIALIST HEALTH CARE in the U. Snakes.

Anonymous said...

Au contraire, mon ami, the witch of windsor is still on their backs. She is still the head of state in Canada, independence notwithstanding.

M. Bouffant said...

LaRouchite Editor:
Yeah, we know the poor sods are still dominated in a Dominion; mostly we wanted to type "Witch of Windsor," & cut the frozen serfs some slack after mocking their sad feudal society.