Sunday, March 18, 2012

Comment Housekeeping

If you imagined we've been on a St. Patrick's Day binge & haven't been interested in the Internet (or anything beyond the next drunken cliché) you'd be absolutely correct, & as usual you don't get a damn thing for being so.

Anyway, once we'd sobered up (Just kidding! Still drunk as two coots.) we noticed an e-mail from one Weird Dave (could be his real name) who had (& may still have) doubts that the comments were working correctly.

Gave it the old college try (That's funny. We're only one or two behind Sarah Palin in schools attended.) even going so far as to fire up Idiot Exploder 9.0.8112. 16421 64-bit Edition to try a couple of comments while not signed in to Bugger™. Worked for us.

We're inclined to blame Google. Why not? And, Blogger having apparently remedied the evil done w/ the new pastel gradualism design for full page comments, we're reverted. If there's any one (Anyone?) else out there who has noted any problems, well, don't blame us.


Weird Dave said...

My iron lung is working again.

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Ok, so you have to be drunk to write this you have to be drunk to read it?

Weird Dave said...

Oh, and Weird Dave may not be my real name but you are more than welcome to call me Weird.

And Ms. Slayer: No, but it helps.

M. Bouffant said...

Technical Difficulties Editor:

Weird, what was this accursed medium doing (or not)?

P.S.: The editorial staff recommends certain preparations not normally available in the state w/o a prescription.

Weird Dave said...

Technical details?

Well my opinion is that it had something to do with the new (same page) comment form. At least that's where I had trouble.
I would enter a comment, select my ID, hit publish, and it would disappear. Same thing on preview (gone..gone..gone). I only tried under Name/URL and Anonymous since I don't have any of those other ID thingees.
When the new form went away (back to separate comment page) I was able to comment again.

How boring.

M. Bouffant said...


do you have to be drunk to read it?
As the cliché goes, no, but it helps.

Not boring to the curious; definitely irksome, tedious & banal on the part of Glogger.