Saturday, February 18, 2012

Late Lunch Bunch

Best tune on the album:And the almost five-minute (!) freak-out:New York is a Summer Festival!


Substance McGravitas said...

I think The Contortions were the peak there. They had some good records.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Contort Yourself!

M. Bouffant said...

Not Picky Editor:

Can't type we know much about any of that stuff beyond the NNY disc, but we've been re-digging Mars & DNA. Think we once had some James White/Chance product beyond this, but ...

Guy was a fascist, anyway: Chance differed from some of his No Wave compatriots by possessing (and demanding from his band) a certain level of musical skill and talent.

Some nerve. Contort this, Hitler!