Wednesday, January 4, 2012

So Long, Shelley

"I have decided to stand aside,” Mrs. Bachmann said at a news conference in West Des Moines.

Of the six candidates who seriously competed in the Iowa caucus, Mrs. Bachmann came in last, winning only 5 percent of the vote.
She will be missed.
So let's rub it in a bit more.
Thank You America!
I will be forever grateful to Iowa and its people for launching us on this path with our victory in the Iowa Straw Poll. While I will not be continuing in this race, my faith in the Lord God Almighty, this country, in our republic, has been strengthened. As I have traveled around Iowa, and the country, I have seen the very best in America, our people. And I will always believe in the greatness of them and the greatness of our God.

And, of course, I am deeply grateful to our entire campaign team, here in Iowa, in South Carolina and everywhere. I have no regrets. We never compromised our principles and we can leave this race knowing that we ran it with integrity and that we made an important contribution.

Thank you, God Bless you.
And we remember when the Minnesota Madwoman first crossed the American radar:Our editorial staff has just the slightest suspicion we've not heard the last of Mme. B. Fingers crossed.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Consider that a divorce.

Substance McGravitas said...

So let's rub it in a bit more.

You filthy creature.

M. Bouffant said...

Driven Snow Editor:

Excuse us, it does not say: "Shove" it in, does it?

Glennis said...

Maybe she can join Herman Cain on his bus tour of America!