Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Union Man

Possibly paraphrased outrage: "They want triple scale for rehearsals!"

Spoken Word

Hrs. of material


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Wow, you're really into this whole Zappadan thing. I never knew it existed until recently.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

"The Power of an Onion"

M. Bouffant said...

Comedy Music & Memories Editor:

Well, as noted we think "Zappadan" sounds stupid ('Though his dying not long before his birthday in the month of consumption & partay-ing does make sense in a sort of Sword in The Stone way.) but we were a big fan even before we knew his geniusness personally in the good old days, so we have a few fave tunes we can share, plus this one-eyed bit makes posting videos easier than reading/thinking/typing/linking & the socio-political-cultural scene being what it be like here & now, it's amusing to note how the crackpots & evil people Frank observed & abused are only worse (perhaps just more desperate now that they're really on the way out) 30 & 40 yrs. later.

M. Bouffant said...

Can Still Type, One-Eyed Or No! Editor:

One sentence/one paragraph, w/ a parenthetical sentence included!