Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Stockholm Syndrome?

Never Again! Unless it's Palestinians, of course, because, you know, they're really sub-human vermin:
In big, easy to read letters (And all one sentence. A veritable Faulkner, huh?):
Then round up his captors, the slaughtering, death-worshiping, innocent-butchering, child-sacrificing savages who dip their hands in blood and use women—those who aren’t strapping bombs to their own devils’ spawn and sending them out to meet their seventy-two virgins by taking the lives of the school-bus-riding, heart-drawing, Transformer-doodling, homework-losing children of Others—and their offspring—those who haven’t already been pimped out by their mothers to the murder god—as shields, hiding behind their burkas and cradles like the unmanned animals they are, and throw them not into your prisons, where they can bide until they’re traded by the thousands for another child of Israel, but into the sea, to float there, food for sharks, stargazers, and whatever other oceanic carnivores God has put there for the purpose.
We should point out that the woman who typed this is the wife of G.W. Bush administration & Reagan administration weasel Eliot Abrams. And quite a prose poet. (Gee-ziz, we thought we were blood-thirsty & given to run-on sentences.)


Syed said...

This syndrome is described as ... behavior of kidnap victims who, over time, become sympathetic to their captors

Termination letters

demize! said...

Wow! Just fucking Wow! The costings it stings.

demize! said...

Cog-dis Autocorrect really takes the bite out of a post.

Cirze said...

But nothing beats this group for "murderous" thugs who think they are educated.

Love ya!


Gee-ziz, we thought we were blood-thirsty & given to run-on sentences.

M. Bouffant said...

Still Amazed Editor:

What the hell are "costings?" Autocorrect is not helpful at all!

It's perfectly alright if you talk like your previous oppressors, as long as big words & long sentences are used.