Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Integrity Round-Up

We'd have a little (but not that much) more respect for Dr. Rice's self-professed integrity if she'd be honest about this & would stop doing crap like this.

We're nonetheless appalled by Cheney's bullshit
Cheney [...] wrote that Rice "came into my office, sat down in the chair next to my desk, and tearfully admitted I had been right."
& this earlier but equivalent bullshit from a Cheney biographer concerning Cheney's partner in war crimes, Donald Rumsfeld:
Instead, Miss Rice was so fazed by former Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld that she burst into tears at a meeting in the White House situation room.

The floodgates opened for the then national security adviser in February 2004, as the Bush administration was wrestling with growing instability in Iraq and the legal status of detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.
And appalled by the entire tone of the Torygraph item. (Referring to her as "Miss" rather than Doctor, "floodgates opened," which is hardly in line w/ the quote "Her eyes welled up and her next words caught in her throat. The men in the room did not know where to look." Those are some wide-open floodgates, not that we believe any of it ever happened.)


Cirze said...


It's nice to be reminded of what type of women leaders these guys are most comfortable with.

The sooner the trials start . . . .


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

They're all full of shit, starting with Dick "Five Deferments" Palpatine.

M. Bouffant said...

Sedition Editor Figures:

Lady leaders who follow two steps behind seem to be preferred.

There will be no trials. The people must render justice by themselves.

Hey! No Star Wars references! This is an adult web log. (No, not that kind of "adult," either.)