Thursday, August 25, 2011

Devolution Would Be More Like It

We're willing to hate anybody, for any reason. (Sometimes the only reason we need is that a humanoid is involved.) Please, hate along w/ us.Still, isn't making puppet shows for YouTube distribution definitionally "hipster?"


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...


w/v knows Yiddish! "fumvasch"

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Twitter? Isn't that the thing $arah Palin uses?

M. Bouffant said...

"What?" Editor:

Been too busy following @manipwitch who only Twits YouTube vids she likes.

Though a peep at my list reveals she is no longer there. What the hell?

M. Bouffant said...

"Gee, Why Would We Be Misanthropic?" Editor:

Oddly enough, Thunder The Luddite there, now that's he's jobless, is responsible for 50% of comments here.

We'll add that Twitter has yet to advise us about your pathetic (We kid, because we're Don Rickles.) plea of eight hrs. ago, & now, AS WE FUCKING TYPE THIS, the notification shows on the gmail pop-up.

Except it's a different one.

Research indicates we were notified of your new acc't., but, not perceiving the new "handle," our reaction was "Why'd it take her so long/hasn't she been following for awhile, whatevs," 'though we resisted the urge to ask what your effing problem was.

See, we will admit when we're mistaken, or simply overwhelmed by the info flooding over us like a backed-up toilet.

But Twit-mail didn't advise you'd been all huffy eight hrs. ago, as evidenced.