Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jesus Fucking Fuck

No secret that the USAF is filthy w/ fundamentalist evangelical Xians. And the sorts of cowards that bomb people from 30,000 ft., or from the safety of a drone command & control center in these United Snakes. Christians & chickenshits, a marriage made in heaven.

But Hokey Smokes, looky here:
One of the most disturbing slides quotes Wernher Von Braun, a former member of the Nazi Party and SS officer. Von Braun is not being cited in the PowerPoint as an authority on a liquid hydrogen turbopumps or a launch vehicle's pogo oscillations, rather he's specifically being referenced as a moral authority, which is remarkable considering that the Nazi scientist used Jews imprisoned in concentration camps, captured French anti-Nazi partisans and civilians, and others, to help build the V-2, a weapon responsible for the death of thousands of British civilians.

"We knew that we had created a new means of warfare and the question as to what nation, to what victorious nation we were willing to entrust this brainchild of ours was a moral decision[emphasis in document] more than anything else," Von Braun said upon surrendering to American forces in May 1945. "We wanted to see the world spared another conflict such as Germany had just been through and we felt that only by surrendering such a weapon to people who are guided by the Bible could such an assurance to the world be best secured."[emphasis in document]
The hypocrisy just doesn't stop, does it?

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