Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Voter Fraud Follow-Up

As good an excuse as any: "We just have so many houses we're not really sure where we are at any given moment."

Not just Romney committing fraud either. It's well known that Mormons lie like rugs ("Milk before meat.") & Huntsman adds proof of duplicity.
In March, as you'll recall, Utah's former Republican Gov. Jon Huntsman, Jr. --- who is believed likely to jump into the GOP Presidential race soon --- was alleged to have committed voter fraud by casting his vote last year via his registration at the governor's mansion despite having resigned and moved out of the address almost two years prior to become President Obama's Ambassador to China.
As Think Progress noted today, in its story on Maine's new law set to be signed by the new GOP governor that would do away with their 38-year old policy of same-day voter registration, "in-person voter fraud is only slightly more common than unicorns."

"A recent Supreme Court decision upholding a voter ID law," in Indiana, they write, "was only able to cite one example of in-person voter fraud in the last 143 years."

Nonetheless, that did not keep Maine's GOP Chairman Charlie Webster from telling the local media last week: "If you want to get really honest, this is about how the Democrats have managed to steal elections from Maine people...Many of us believe that the Democrats intentionally steal elections."
Second Amendment remedies. Now! And for liar & hypocrite Charlie Webster, added torture, until he begs for the sweet release of death.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Many of us believe that the Democrats intentionally steal elections

They believe a lot of things.

They lament the fact that "voting while black" is not a crime anymore.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Voting while black, poor, or union...soon to be illegal again.

(I'd have included Democratic, but our corporate whores don't merit being distinguished from the rethuglicans.)

Glennis said...

Well, you can add Ann Coulter to that list of rare unicorns.

M. Bouffant said...

Ms. Coulter is a bit horsey/unicorn-y.

Is that the new, improved & re-sewn you, Aunt Smow? Looking happy.

Substance McGravitas said...

Many of us believe that the Democrats intentionally steal elections.

Well thank god they aspire to SOMETHING.

Hamish Mack said...

Imagine if you accidentally stole an election. So embarrassing.