Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Violence Not Obscenity

Not a lawyer or anything (It crossed our mind once, but we took the paper into the men's room for a while & it went away.) but the few excerpts (extracted by those much braver than ourself) that we've seen from the SCOTUS California v. video games decision have provided entire minutes of amusement for us.

So a bit more, dug out from Scalia & Alito by Robert Scheer, w/ another sad conclusion:
Scalia’s withering dismissal of Alito’s concerns is revealing of his tolerance for violent imagery as opposed to that which is merely sexual: “Justice Alito has done considerable independent research to identify video games in which ‘the violence is astounding. … Victims are dismembered, decapitated, disemboweled, set on fire, and chopped into little pieces. … Blood gushes, splatters, and pools.’ Justice Alito recounts all these disgusting video games in order to disgust us—but disgust is not a valid basis for restricting expression. … Thus, ironically, Justice Alito’s argument highlights the precise danger posed by the California Act: that the ideas expressed by speech—whether it be violence, or gore, or racism—and not its objective effects, may be the real reason for governmental proscription.”

Hear, hear to such a bold defense of the right of minors to consider a full range of controversial thought, but if the claimed harmful effects of minors’ exposure to violence, gore and racism do not warrant a governmental limitation on free speech, why isn’t sexually prurient material—for adults if not minors—deserving of equal First Amendment protection? The unspoken answer that runs through Scalia’s opinion, and that of the court down though the ages, is that violence is normal while sex is obscene.
Nine old men, as Roosevelt said.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I think I left a comment re: my thoughts about Scalia. It could be applied to any of the Heritage 4. Heck, that useless fuck Kennedy , too.

Hamish Mack said...

I gotta say that in terms of modern American history this is getting up there in the fucking twisted fucked up train wreck stakes.
It is vicious tyranny to stop to horrid little fuckers from virtually dismembering people in the vain hope that it might carry through to their real life and they might not chainsaw their classmates? And the fucking supreme court says, no, you have to let the industry have its' way with their tiny little minds. This, of course, is unrelated to the 20 squillon dollars that the gamers squeeze out of the visually addicted brain dead children of addled baby boomers.
I suggest that the Supremes by replaced by Checkout operators:
1)They would be quicker
2)They would be cheaper
3) The sellout of your society to greed crazed fucking vandals is going to happen anyway.
Fucking endtimes can not come too soon.

M. Bouffant said...

Amazed Editor:

Gee, you guys are a little prickly.