Sunday, June 5, 2011

Neo-Feudalism Up-Date

Per the bleeding heart guy at The NYT, Somalia is no longer the low-tax libertarian paradise; it's now our allies or whatever they are in Pakistan that the Republican Party, libertarian douche-sacks & Tea Bagging losers would most like to emulate.
I’ve always made fun of these countries, but now I see echoes of that pattern of privatization of public services in America. Police budgets are being cut, but the wealthy take refuge in gated communities with private security guards. Their children are spared the impact of budget cuts at public schools and state universities because they attend private institutions.

Mass transit is underfinanced; after all, Mercedes-Benzes and private jets are much more practical, no? And maybe the most striking push for reversal of historical trends is the Republican plan to dismantle Medicare as a universal health care program for the elderly.

There’s even an echo of the electrical generator problem. More and more affluent homes in the suburbs are buying electrical generators to use when the power fails.
We wish the bleeding heart had provided a link for richies in the suburbs leaving the grid.

And we hope that the shit hits the fan soon enough that we'll still be in adequate shape to give at least a few of the parasites their just desserts.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Don't forget the push towards religious fundamentalism both here and there.

周厚安 said...


Sita-2-tapatra3 mah2-vajro=51=a3, mah2-praty-a{gira3.

(Sita-2-tapatra3 mah2-vajra-u=51=a3, mah2-prati-a{gira3.}




mah2(形):大 (梵P.g.1012)




Vajra-u=51=a3--根據sandhi rules-->vajro=51=a3(名,中,主,單):金剛髻(主動)


praty- a{gira3(名,男,主,單):惡魔之調伏對治咒法(主動)



Mah2-sita-2-tapatra-mah2-vajro=51=a3, mah2-praty-a{gira3.


M. Bouffant said...

Cyber Security Editor Warns:

We appear to be under attack from China. Get out the nukes!!