Friday, June 10, 2011

More Reasons To Ignore Andrew Sullivan

His "ramshackle ladder from his blog cave" collapsed under him & he broke the little finger of his left hand in the fall. From this we can ask these questions:
  • Should attention be paid to a college graduate who uses the word "pinkie?"
  • If one is descending from it by ladder, isn't it a loft rather than a "blog cave?"
  • Should anyone be referring to anything that's not an actual cave as a "cave?" ("Man cave," for example. Crikey.)
  • Should we pay any attention to someone whose comprehension of gravity, physics, structural engineering & their own bulk is so inadequate that they don't realize their ramshackle ladder won't hold them?
Biggest aggravation:
Typos may also occur as I type with one right hand until the pain lets up in my other three available digits.
Yes, typographical errors "occur." That does not mean they are cast in stone for eternity. Reading over whatever one has typed before posting it often results in both spotting the typo & correcting it. Give that a try sometime.

We must suspect that typists who don't go over their spew obsessively know damn well they are spewing garbage, & at some level are too embarrassed to review their own work, knowing that no amount of polishing will result in anything but a shinier turd. (Applies as well to many others who are paid for this shit. You know who you are, Megan McArdle.)

So stop it w/ the "typos happen, dude" excuse. Considering that most of Sullivan's spew is paragraph length, would it kill him to go over it once? Of course, he may have a reading problem.

Not to mention the three credited flunkieseditors & who knows how many uncredited interns employed at The Dish.


Cirze said...

Love it!

Give him hell.


M. Bouffant said...

Web Log Review Editor Admits:

It's almost too easy, but why not?

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Do we need any more?

I've been happily ignoring that assclown forever.

Occasionally, I even recommend that others do the same.

M. Bouffant said...

Priorities Editor Asks:

If we ignored him how could we mercilessly abuse him?

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

God punishing you , Sullivan.

Just a warning this time.

M. Bouffant said...

Religion Beat Editor Proclaims:

Yep. We firmly believe that all who believe in heaven & hell will be condemned to the theological place of eternal damnation.

Non-believers will receive the blessed relief of death, no more or less.