Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Warning From The Golden State

Real Americans, you can only push us so far.

Census shows population center moving out of Midwest

U.S. census shows growing populations in the West and South, which could shift the heartland out of the Midwest

--California, which failed to add a House seat for the first time in its history, would have lost population if it weren't for growth among Hispanics and other minorities, according to 2010 figures released Tuesday. Los Angeles posted a gain over the past decade of just under 100,000 people, its smallest numerical growth since 1890-1900, as many of its Hispanic residents moved elsewhere. The state, the nation's largest with 37.3 million, continues to grow primarily from immigration and births.
And, many of you having left the state already, we don't need more corn-fed honkies, thank you. It's been almost 80 yrs. & we've barely bred the Iowan & Okie out of the Dust Bowl refugees.

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