Thursday, March 17, 2011


(You know damn well what we mean. In every sense.)

If we are exposed to yet another fucking PBS fund drive featuring Celtic Woman, Up Your Riverdance or whoever the hell, even if only in passing while surfing, we can not be held responsible for our actions.
Neener neener, bog-monkeys: We of (some) wop-a-dago descent have an actual Federal holiday (i.e., not just an excuse to vomit green beer) for our guy Columbus, even if he was a Polack or whatever. Also, Chris is a historical figure (REAL!) not some sad Xian fantasy. Drove the snakes out, our ass.

This still leaves us w/ the question "When the fuck will all you goddam post-Mayflower immigrants assimilate, already?"

Disclaimer: This is not an endorsement of the Limeys & their filthy imperialism. Up theirs too!

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