Friday, March 4, 2011

Again W/ The Stealing

Danziger forgot something. Not a typo, exactly.


Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Ya know, even though I disagree with the guy on just about everything, I used to think of him as being pretty bright and he seems to be tripling down on the mean and stupid.

The stuff he's saying about Obama now is just...beyond the pale. Blatant lies. But his followers won't care

M. Bouffant said...

Pop Psych Ed. Makes It Up:

Ol' Huck wasn't as drooly as some of his fellow droolers & he lip-serviced poor folks once or twice so he became a rational (Dare we say, "compassionate?") con.

It's just sad that people are always so willing to believe the positive about others. He's an ordained minister, for gawd's sake!

Gifts or grift? Either way it's thousands.

In the 10¢ psychology & insults dep't., mebbe when he was a larger porker his inner evil was hidden or sublimated; now that he's lean & hungry all the time he's not so fucking genial.

Need we remind anyone who else was "genial?"

Dr.KennethNoisewater said...

Speaking for myself only, I always thought he came across as at least thoughtful, even if 1000% wrong. On everything. Many conservatives don't seem to put any thought into what they say. They just say things. So I respected him for that if nothing else. And...he never came across as mean-spirited. Well, he's coming across that way now.