Monday, January 3, 2011

Shallow Yet Theocratic Rabbi
Opposes Freedom!

A screed whose high point is treating the "Tea Party" as serious or knowledgeable, because DEBT! (Wait. When did deficits start to matter?) And not one word about the debt incurred from the moral & value-filled wars & occupations the United Snakes continues to pursue around the world. Indeed, in the entire morals & values blather, the closest L. Brent Boteach comes to American aggression is:
The American human rights agenda is stymied by debt, with China successfully preventing even American beneficiaries like Afghanistan and Iraq from attending the Nobel prize ceremony for dissident Liu Xiaobo.
Afghanistan & Iraq, the beneficiaries of the American human rights agenda. Yet it's been stymied! Blow a country up & then you can't even get them to show at some event. What U.S. debt to China has to do w/ the ingrates not showing at the award ceremony is anybody's guess.

The answer to all our problems (as you may have guessed) is that we need more scolding from Moses & Jesus. And get off the Internet, unless you're donating to Jesus/Moses' representatives here on earth.
This will most likely come from religion which must stop wasting its time fighting cultural battles like gay marriage and get back to teaching people the nobility of a purpose-lived life. We must create communities that are not on-line by reinvigorating Synagogues and Churches, community centers and charitable volunteering. We need a national Sabbath, a day where all stores are closed and where people don't shop but spend time with friends and family.
Most likely. Bring back the Blue Laws & all problems will be solved, including underemployment & unemployment. And baby won't need formula or anything over the National Sabbath. Medical needs? As long as infection hasn't killed you or spread to your friends & family ('Phone co. advertising slogan as national improvement?) before the religious police allow the drugstore to open, you'll be just fine.

Take the money you'll save during our National Stop-the-Shopping Sabbath & hand it directly to parasites like Rabbi Boteach so he won't have to get a real jobcan make some big charity donations. That way, if losers need something to eat or somewhere to sleep once Mall-Wart has laid them off, they can have even more religious bullshit shoved down their throats before they receive any charity. No better way than faith based initiatives, says Rabbi Shmuley.

Also: Get the kids dressing right. That'll learn 'em not to murder hundreds of thousands on the other side of the world. Values!
Finally, we need to teach our youth about human dignity and the necessity of values. Public schools should institute dress codes that emphasize dignified dress and there should be a mandatory values class imparting non-sectarian, universal values of right and wrong, the moral bedrock upon which this great nation was built.
As we noted in a non-hit many yrs. ago, "There's no such thing as right or wrong/But your bullshit is a sin!"

Where'd this platitudinous drivel appear? (Of which there is much, much more, but we can barely afford blood pressure medication now. How much charitable volunteering will pay for the medications people can't buy on the Sabbath?) Why, Arianna Huffington's House of Mystical Anti-Science Crap. A.H. herself volunteered to marry a rich guy a few yrs. back, so he could be charitable to her.

(Disclaimer: Not actually on blood pressure meds. Yet.) Here too.

1 comment:

M. Bouffant said...

Central to the Point on His Head Ed. Said:

See what Shmuley means about rampant materialism & people on dope, yada?