Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Shut Your Self-Righteous Gob, Already

This schtick of Sullivan's is getting to be even more tiresome than our non-stop screeching for attention via threats of physical violence & general obscenity, profanity & nihilism.

You know, the "Gosh, Republicans are scum, but real conservatism, yada." Latest example:
This is not conservatism, properly understood, a disposition that respects the institutions and traditions of government, that can give as well as take, that seeks the national interest before partisan concerns, and that respects both the other branches of government and seeks to work with them. These people are not conservatives in this core civilized sense; they are partisan vandals.
Christ on a crutch, is he blind & illiterate? Has he no idea? These idealized reactionaries he gets so misty-eyed about never existed, other than in the writings of whichever 20th century hacks he seems to worship. (Oakeshott? Yes. Note the absolute meaninglessness of the title of Sullivan's blather that he pimps on his page: Intimations Pursued: The Voice of Practice in the Conversation of Michael Oakeshott. If you don't have it right by now, no amount of practice will help you.)

Not such a surprise, considering Sullivan hasn't yet been able to realize that a gawd that allows his/"His" Roman Catholic Church to perpetuate its evil is as much a monster as any child-molesting priest, & neither bogus institution is worth five minutes of any one's attention.

Maybe Sully wants to be an American because he knows that people voting against their own interests are a significant group in these United Snakes, & he can pander to them more successfully & for much longer than he could get away w/ the schtick in the UK.

Last line of the item applies almost universally.
But I cannot, alas, say I am surprised. The degeneracy has been building for a long time. It is just the stench of it right now that overwhelms the nostrils.
Applies to you too, Andrew. Mostly the stench of "enough, already, & climb off your high horse."

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