Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Picasa Check

We shelled out US$5.00 for 20 GB, for a yr., not a bad deal (Maybe. How the fuck would we know? Even if a complete rip-off, the desk-top publishing convenience is worth it.) & no drawback to it beyond Google now having our debit card info, legal name, address & the like. Meaning the Federal Gov't. knows it all too. Come & get us, Feds, before we again advocate armed rebellion against fascist bullshit!!
Tree from North
Tree from East
None of the promised up-to-24-hr. delay. Let's see how many of those 51 shots we can shove in here.
Could be us. Instead, we can afford 20GB of storage w/o foraging for recyclables. Whew.
Urban Grit
Urban Brick
Tenants Needed
So far so good. Three studies in pollutants:

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