Monday, November 15, 2010

Both Sides Now: The Funk, A and B

No half-measures at this dump.Stolen from the History/Nostalgia Dep't. Several other judicial nuggets there.


Substance McGravitas said...

Do you remember a "judge" single that started out

The cold sensation
The cold sensation

Used to have a battered 45 of that but I forget who did it.

M. Bouffant said...

That doesn't pound a gavel in the courtroom of our mind. Did you check the links at the link?

Shorty Long: "Hear ye, the court's in session."

P.S.: Used to think the Ohio Players were singing "Robitussin" on "Love Roller Coaster."

Substance McGravitas said...

Hmm, Shorty Long does a similar version, but I think I had some other lesser-known rip-off artist.

M. Bouffant said...

Nostalgia Music Editor:

Said lesser-known version might be worth hundreds today.

But you may be fooling yourself. The difference between vinyl on the (we assume) not most accurate player of X yrs. ago and today's digital hooey through teeny devil-box speakers & bizarre remixes/mastering confuses us all the time. "Hey, it didn't sound like that in 1968!"