Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tenured Public Employee Bitches About People Bitching About Corporations

Let's see you up your productivity a little, Professor Althouse. If you can't teach a couple more classes this term, someone else will, & probably for less money & better results.
How is it a singreed! — or treachery for a business to operate efficiently by laying off employees when there is less work to be done?
In most cases in the real world, there is just as much work to be done as before. Lay-offs are to improve the bottom-line for greedy stockholders (Hey? Isn't "greed!" one of those seven deadly sins?) not because half the people in the office are sitting around shooting baskets in their neighbor's wastebasket w/ crumpled pieces of paper because there's so little to do.

Fucking parasitic ignoramus, get a clue about the world of greed & suffering that real — hard-working! — Americans endure daily, or shut your glibertarian-cliché keyboard.

Althouse's adventures in foaming at the mouth based on Bob Herbert in The NYT. Now there is no reason in the world, ever, to click her.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Urgent comic news.

Call your congresspeople, Senators, and such as.

M. Bouffant said...

Not-So-Funny-Pages Editor Boldly Declares:

Superman®© is dead to us, you hear, dead! And we guess JMS as well, though B5 was pretty good.