Friday, July 30, 2010

Red Channels

Local comsymps & progressives are reminded that Democracy Now, tee vee version, is available at 2300, M, Tu, Th & F, on KLCS-TV, channel 58.1. Consult your local cable co. for the channel number they've shoved it to. (15, in our TWC universe.)

KLCS is the Los Angeles Unified School District's station. Hope no reactionaries notice; one can imagine the  "commie infiltration" whining: "Democracy? What kind of idea is that to be teaching our kids?" To which we reply, "Why are people teaching young goats?"


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

To which we reply, "Why are people teaching young goats?"

Not all people are Kaus.

M. Bouffant said...

Husbandry (Animal) Editor Answers:

Are we not goats?