Thursday, June 10, 2010

Home-Wrecking Tramp Slutty Sally Quinn Weighs In On The Gores' Personal Lives

What subject has the interminable D.C. religious/party-scribe latched on to this week?

Why, the Gore’s divorce.
The Gores have handled their decision to separate with dignity and grace. In doing so, they have given us all a great gift — an opportunity for a deeply important and mature conversation about the changing nature of marriage…
Honest to fucking gawd, how many times did this ++hypocritical whore-on-wheels have to walk into her concrete meditation labyrinth to figure that bullshit out? She probably thinks gawd will give her a pass because it's wife coveting, rather than the coveting of husbands, that's forbidden in those ten commandments.

Spotted atStolen from Some Dude w/ a Fez.


Mendacious D said...

This is all Bill Clinton's fault.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Mendacious D is a BLASPHEMER!

This is all Jimmy Carter's fault.

Substance McGravitas said...

You know, I felt kinda bad reading that Vanity Fair thing. Seemed like something Sally Quinn would enjoy if the target wasn't Sally Quinn. Can't we just drag her into a jar of piss or something?

Please regume your usual activities.

M. Bouffant said...

Editor Adds:


Haven't (probably won't) read the Quinn piece, but yeah ...

Dunk her!

It was the Nix's fault: Watergate.