Saturday, June 26, 2010

From The New Media Sand-Box: "Gotcha! Nyah-nyah! Told You So!"

Beginning to think that were Sarah Palin to charge $500/plate for a fundraiser at which she did nothing but took the stage, picked her nose & ate the resultant moko, if anyone to the proverbial left of Attila the Hun made the merest mention of Palin's pickin' as not being terribly attractive or helpful, reactionary elements would leap to defend her gold-mining as a brilliant piece of "piss off the libs" strategy while continuing the screech of "bashing, trashing, slamming, haters, yada!"

New media person Sister Toldjah (Nyah-nyah, nyah-nyah, nyah-nyah!) announces a "GOTCHA!" moment for the old media ("Gotcha journalism": ++Eee-vile when done to former half-Alaska Gov. Palin by Katie Couric, great when someone's caught telling a truth that's unpopular w/ reactionaries):
Is this a gotcha moment for the new media vs. old media? You betcha.
Sure nuff is, in that it shows that the old media can still differentiate between shit & Shinola®, while the new reactionary media wants nothing but shit.

Keep fucking that "new media" chicken, twits.

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