Tuesday, June 29, 2010


A hack at the Daily Cruller has a good one, while suggesting that voting against extending unemployment might not have been the wisest move by Senate reactionaries.
Tea Party activists—the influential and well-educated base for conservatives today—may understand and support the merits of the move, but their overall electoral influence is diminished by the pure numbers of frustrated general election voters that may disapprove of this stance.
The crap piles up.
It is said that successful leadership is borne from the ability of folks to take proper risks, articulate a vision, and direct a better long-term future. Republicans have never had a problem doing the first of the three items. However, without better meeting the second condition, we will have a hard time securing the third, even if out-of-work Americans end up getting the extensions for the near term.
Proper risks would include Irag adventurism & an Af-Pak quagmire, right? De-regulation of the financial markets, very proper. And the vision thing.

Best thing Tucker Carlson's rag has printed are the stolen Weigel emails.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Somebody spelled "teabaggers" wrong.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

the influential and well-educated base for conservatives today


M. Bouffant said...

Spels Gud Editor Sez:

A right-wing outfit did a poll wherein self-identified Tea Baggers claimed they had been to college & made above average money.

So, you know, it's fact then!