Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Work Is Murder

Working More Than 10 Hours a Day Can Kill You
Those who work 10 hours or more a day have a 60 percent greater risk of a heart attack compared to those who don't work overtime at all.
Read original story in Bloomberg | Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Our nation & the planet will be better much better off once these pin-dicked over-compensators have suffered (We sincerely hope they suffer, & die quite painfully.) & died. What's the hold up? Die already, corporate drones!


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Stop spying on me!!!

P.S. I will explain my recent mango mangling with a pic of a b.p. measurement (no, I didn't have my camera with me when I scored my all time high of 206/135 at the local Krogers).

M. Bouffant said...

Med Ed. Types:

We've had a ringing in our ears since they put us on brain medication, although we haven't taken it for a yr. & a half. We suspect our head is, as in the cliché, about to explode.

Are Mangoes good for that, or did you just get the old "stop mainlining grease 24/7" lecture from the croaker?

Take it from us, get laid off & lose your mind.