Sunday, May 23, 2010

We Are, By Nature, A Boring Sort

Also observed, though un-recorded: lizards (2) & a water snake. Heard the frog we mentioned below. Saw no mountain lions or rattlers, despite posted warnings. No ticks attached themselves to us, either. All in all, could have been much worse.

Not only saw but shot some hawks. (We assume. Could've been crows, dark & the same approx. size, but these birds were not making crow sounds.)
It is not easy catching these bastards in flight; we s'pose we could blame the equipment.
We were able to get a few cliffside.
To one's right & up when leaving Bronson Cave by the east.
Other cliff dwellers.


Substance McGravitas said...

One day a real rain is gonna come and wash all the scum off the hills.

M. Bouffant said...

Fingers Crossed & Knocking On Wood Bickle Wanna-Be Editor Sincerely Hopes:

After the proverbial Big'un, we'll need rain to wash the scum/dust/fungus out of the air, not just down the hillsides.