Thursday, May 6, 2010

Keep Your Government Hands Off Social Security, And Stop Trying To Measure Our Patriotism!

We thought the "government takeover of health care" was absolutely worse than the Holocaust because it would lead to the old &/or wretched being death paneled. Yet now the guy who wanted to profit from the T.P. convention he set up some mos. ago in Nashville (And it would seem gawd is punishing them now, wouldn't it?) wants to cut your SSI check, as revealed in an on-line chat under the auspices of The Washington Post.
Okay, so some examples of what these are? The Tea Party and its "Taxpayers' Rights" predecessors always say this, but one person's waste is another person's lifeline. So I would like to know some concrete ideas of what programs meet these criteria.

Judson Phillips: Social security disability is the first one I would go through. Down in the south, many people refer to them as crazy checks. We have lawyers advertising right next to the personal injury lawyers, saying they will get you SSI disability. The program is rife with fraud.
Phillips then leaves on a high note:
Liberals are just as American as you are and you and your movement has no right to question people's patriotism or Americanness just because they disagree with you.

Judson Phillips: Yes we do. You folks in the left do far worse. Patriotism is not something that cannot be measured. It can be. And you folks on the left, as a general rule are not patriotic. You do not love this country. You are embarrassed by us.

I hate to tell you this, but those of us in fly over country are the real Americans.
Embarrassed, yes. Not the "Oh, they're really right & deep down we realize we're just liberal losers" embarrassment this self-righteous shitheel imagines, but we're embarrassed. He should be too.

We'd add that they'll have to pry our disability check from our cold dead fingers, but it's more likely to be Judson Phillips' well-wrung neck they'll be prying from our cold dead fingers.

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