Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Secret Planet

We wonder what the amorphous "they" think they're hiding here. Yes, it's hidden, but it isn't exactly camouflaged.
LATER: We're not the only one who's noticed this.There's nothing that hasn't been obsessed over. Nothing.


Morbo said...

I know; I'm no fun.

M. Bouffant said...

Conspiracy Ed. Muses:

We'd already figured (w/o having checked your link) that the darker blue around the big island was dredged for a ship channel, rather than an E.T. whatever.

We suppose a legion of obsessives constantly comb Google Earth looking for anything suggestive.

Substance McGravitas said...

There's, like, a giant cut of meat in that first picture though.


M. Bouffant said...

Meat Editor Explains:

We're not surprised to see MEAT anywhere in the world. (Like the waterfalls & sandwiches thing. W/ that guy.) That looks like some sweet & meaty goodness there, well marbled w/ fat all around.

It's those blue Sharpie marks that need explaining.