Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Middle Class Sheep
Nation Of Rubes

Daniel Larison confirms our low opinion.
As I have been trying to make clear with the examples offered here, public opinion is changeable and malleable. Public opinion is pushed in one direction or another far more often that it does any pushing of its own. This is probably more true of foreign policy topics, where most of the public is less informed, less interested and less attentive. So it falls to the activists and interest groups to influence policy and shape public opinion in the hopes of creating a political consensus in Washington in favor of their preferred policies. Despite the near-certainty that they are wildly unrepresentative of majority opinion on their main issues, the activists and interest groups will then pretend that they speak for the majority of the public.
They'd rather watch "Oprah" than the "Nightly News."


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I don't think watching the nightly news is going to help.

The corporate hairdo is going to say what the corporations want said: Tax cuts, deregulation, and war.

Larry Harmon said...

Yeah, watching the nightly news is not much more informative than "Oprah".

M. Bouffant said...

Irony Editor Notes:

Well, the point is unchanged over the 25 yrs. since we wrote it. You're screwed no matter what you watch.