Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Goober Way Of Life Threatened Again By Arrogant Environmental Elitists

More on fishing as seen through the redneck lens.Your Fourth Amendment (among other) rights pale in comparison to your right to fish! Game Wardens beware!

ADDED: Great gobs of goo! Look at these people.

ADDED LATER: From the ESPN column that started it.
AP/Luis M. AlvarezOne sign at the United We Fish rally at the Capital summed up the feelings of recreational and commercial fishermen.


Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

It's truly amazing how the wingnut wurlitzer works.

Of course, any appeal to the facts will just be ignored as "liberal bias".

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Just you libs wait until David Brooks is stopped (by Blackula Helicopters) at an Applebees Salad Bar™ on his trolling attempt.

Then the TEApartierres will rise up, and you will be sorry.

Oh yes, you wile!

M. Bouffant said...

Troubled Waters Editor Casts His Line:

Our cynical side thinks it's Kulturkampf, fishn & huntn both being significant signifiers of the pioneer/patriot spirit.

First your rods, then your guns & rights.

Can't be arsed to see which organist first ran w/ the story, but we'll betcha it was emailed to one drone (or all of them) by a fishing fetishist whose limited comprehension led him to have a fit.

One email is all the Wurlitzer O'Freedumb needs.

Maybe the next one will be: Ooooh, he's ... [whisper] Blackula, you know.