Monday, February 15, 2010

Preznit's Monday A.M. Music To Go Out & Buy A Mattress & Linens To

The first four lines of this number have been resonating w/ us for a while. Is one certifiable when the Voice In One's Head is one's own?And a Presidential number, w/ a Chambers Bro. as BHO destroying America!


Substance McGravitas said...

The little one is impressed that someone has no home.

M. Bouffant said...

Barely Housed Ed. Notes:

Trust us, it's not that impressive.
(Can't remember if that line's in the original version.) Advise that it's pretty sucky even in the temperate zones. Can't imagine how our former brothers & sisters in the GWN handle it.

(Does said little one want to get away from the probably-fascist-in-any-young-person's-view McG. household?)

And while the Samoans are juvenile in their own way, we dunno if little ones should be exposed to them.

Substance McGravitas said...

Can't imagine how our former brothers & sisters in the GWN handle it.

Shopping carts with tarps, Sterno resulting in people being burned alive.

Fortunately we just spent billions on sporting events so all our social ills will clear right up.

Substance McGravitas said...

Oh, and the little one hears "Time Has Come Today" in the car. There's less of the nastier stuff.

M. Bouffant said...

"Brrrr!" Ed. Notes:

We were "sheltered" (15 March, you hit the streets, pal!) during what passes for the cold season here, but sheesh!!

Do remember seeing some very organized bums on an episode or two of DaVinci's Inquest though. That's a documentary, right?

And it's a free continent, don't let us, of all people, advise you breeders how to raise the next generation. (Except for driving them around in cars. That just sets them up for disappointment in the post-energy world.)