Monday, February 1, 2010

Post-Ideological Self-Godwin

You'll note that there's nothing political here (Completely out of context, sure, but judging from "THE ACORN TAPES!!!" that doesn't matter to our hero, Drudge Junior.) just BB's resentment of his enemy, the "decadent bastards." (Also quite amusing w/ the sound off. Andy's very, "expressive," shall we say?)You know who else called people decadent & sent them to die in gas chambers? Virtually any Republican pol worth his "tough-on-crime" salt, not to mention Hitler. Perhaps Mr. Breitbart should think twice before he decides to, oh, flip off a group of people, merely because they are protesting, for example. Knee-jerk reactions (especially of the reactionary sort) aren't always best, Andrew.(It's 31 yr.-old "music" day at Just Another Blog™!)Decadence, anyone?

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