Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hermaphrodites? Hermaphrodites. Hermaphrodites!
And Susan Collins.

More "fucking retards:" Duncan Hunter, & another fear-monger, Frank Gaffney have dedided that hermaphrodites will be infecting the military if DADT is repealed.

Someone, somewhere, must have authored this talking point. Someone so effing "slow" that they haven't yet recovered from learning about hermaphrodites in junior high biology. That old fool Gaffney must be over 50. Is he still in shock from the discovery that there are gray areas even in nature? Does he check his junk daily for lady-part?

Hunter, a Congressional douchebag & the son of a Congressional douchebag (There really oughta be a law!!) is considerably younger than his fellow victim of sexual insecurity, so it's not as surprising that he hasn't gotten over hermaphro-phobia. Still.

Two For The Price Of One

Speaking of the slow, what is up w/ this Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, who's been lying her way across the telebision these last few days? It's not often one encounters a slow-talker who also has that Valley Girl up-inflection at the end of her sentences. Things may be slower in Maine, but we just don't have the time to listen to this woman drone on. (Even if anything she said was true & her voice didn't have that little girl quality to it, beyond the slow, lying Valleyism.)A. Mitchell states the facts to Sen. Susie. Interminable.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Things may be slower in Maine, but we just don't have the time to listen to this this woman drone on.

There's a Carl Leubsdorf Jr. piece (of crap) from the Dallas Morning News that's been frosting my flakes for over a week.

It's kinda like what Scot said.

M. Bouffant said...

Fool Editor Adds:

At least that fool's column didn't french your fry. And everything he said was wrong wrong wrong.