Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Elohim, War God Of The Hebrews, Gets This Wk.'s Talking Points Out

Muslim leader blasts gay lifestyle
BY KARYL WALKER Crime/Court Desk Co-ordinator jamaicaobserver.com
Monday, February 01, 2010

PRESIDENT of the Islamic Council of Jamaica, Mustafa Muhammad, says he agrees with the Sharia law which prescribes death for people who openly flaunt homosexual behaviour.

Muhammad did not mince words as he lashed out against what he described as an unclean, unnatural lifestyle.

“It is illegal and in the Sharia law the punishment is death. If you follow Christianity it is a crime in the sight of God. He destroyed a whole city because of this thing. It is an ungodly practice and I apologise to no one for this,” Muhammad said.

Under Jamaican law, persons who practice buggery — the sexual penetration of the anus — can be sent to prison for up to 10 years.

Despite claims by local and international gay lobbyists that homosexuals are attacked and killed in Jamaica, police statistics show that most gays who are killed are victims of crimes of passion.

Muhammad made sure to state that he was against the killing of gays in Jamaica.

“This can only be done in a country that is being run by Islam,” he said.

Muhammad was also critical of the gay lobbyists who are clamouring for Jamaicans to adopt a more relaxed attitude towards homosexuality.

“What is happening is that we are leaning towards the laws of man,” he said. “If a Muslim woman chooses to cover up herself it is seen as oppressive, but it is wicked to criticise homosexuals? I am not free to express myself as a Muslim but a homosexual is allowed free expression and protection from the law.”
(Our bolding.)

Heard this song before? You bet you have, & not that long ago. Here's more papist poo, from the same pile:
Pope Benedict XVI has condemned British equality legislation for running contrary to "natural law" as he confirmed his first visit to the UK later this year.

In a letter addressed to the Catholic bishops of England and Wales, the pope praised Britain's "firm commitment to equality of opportunity for all".

However, he criticised UK legislation for creating "limitations on the freedom of religious communities to act in accordance with their beliefs". It is thought his comments relate to laws that came in last year preventing adoption agencies from discriminating against gay couples and also Harriet Harman's equality bill, currently going through parliament.


In his letter the pope said: "The effect of some of the legislation designed to achieve this goal has been to impose unjust limitations on the freedom of religious communities to act in accordance with their beliefs. In some respects it actually violates the natural law upon which the equality of all human beings is grounded and by which it is guaranteed."

It is also thought the pope was referring to the equality bill, which narrows the special exemption enjoyed by churches allowing them to exclude people whose lifestyles do not fit in with the religious ethos of an organisation when hiring staff. The bishops cited it as another restriction of their freedom of religious belief.


The pope urged the bishops to make their voices heard and to defend the faith, saying Christian teaching did not undermine or restrict the freedom of others.

His remarks drew swift criticism from the National Secular Society, which said it would stage protests during the visit.

Terry Sanderson, the society's president, said: "The taxpayer is going to be faced with a bill for £20m for the visit – in which he has indicated he will attack equal rights and promote discrimination."
Gawd A'mighty Damnit, if these twisted old wretches w/ their stupid fucking head gear, robes, dresses, skirts & other pre-Enlightenment barbarian practices ever got together & decided to divide the world between them, the rational community could be in some danger.
"First they came for men who wore pants, but I wore no pants, so ..."


Hamish Mack said...

He added:
'Fidelity to the Gospel in no way restricts the freedom of others - on the contrary, it serves their freedom by offering them the truth.'

So to ensure freedom you have to be able to discriminate against those your religion doesn't like. Their lives, which are a lie, will be better if they stop being ickky.
No newsletters please.

Anonymous said...

Excellent cartoon

M. Bouffant said...

Editorial Cartoonist Types:

Thank you. We did it ourself!