Monday, January 4, 2010

Warning To Fascist Government Douchebags

Our gummint benefits were recently, for some reason the Social Security Administration has never bothered to inform us of, in writing or otherwise, changed from one program to another that pays us significantly less than the previous one. You Nazi socialist commie cocksuckers have now been WARNED, on behalf of ourself & many other Americans, by
Johnny Lee Wicks, [who has been]  identified as the man who opened fire at the federal courthouse Monday morning in downtown Las Vegas, has been at odds with the federal government over Social Security benefits for about two years.

That’s according to documents in a federal lawsuit he filed in Las Vegas against the Social Security Administration on March 7, 2008.
Just keep fucking w/ us then, assholes. And do not for one minute think we're just going to go into some Federal Bldg. & start aimlessly firing at the security guards, who probably aren't doing much better than we are. No, we will find the individual or individuals responsible & torture them as if we were Dick Cheney & they were Democrats.

Perhaps it will be amusing for one of the responsible to try to live on disability; once we've cut out their tongue & chopped off their benefit-cutting arms, they will be seriously disabled. Shoe's on the other foot then, ASSUMING WE'VE LEFT YOU W/ FEET!!!

NB: We've already pretty well determined that we've little or no future, so if we do end up spending the rest of our empty, meaningless life in a Federal Prison, it makes no fucking difference to us. None whatsoever.

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