Saturday, December 12, 2009

Making A Mockery Of Our Holy Sacred Constitution

People in Washington have no respect for Our Founding Document, as you've doubtless heard. Which people? Anti-American Constitution-denialists on the right side of the aisle, of course, most of whom believe the Constitution should be the proverbial suicide pact, at least for those Americans who are forced to work for a living.
A judge at the United States District Court in Brooklyn issued a preliminary injunction that nullifies the resolution and requires the government to honor existing contracts with [ACORN] and review its applications for new grants unless the Obama administration appeals the decision.

The court ruled that the resolution amounted to a “bill of attainder,” a legislative determination of guilt without trial, because it specifically punishes one group.
Something to bear in mind when next you hear of how much reactionaries looove the Constitution.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Eff the NYT!

Here's Glennzilla!


Media Matters.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

P. effin Ess!

Eff all those cowardly democrats who wanted to surrender to the pukes at the first whiff of dubious propaganda.