Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Down At The Laundomat, Also


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Down on the corner, out in the street...


P.S. I KNOW there was a sharper version of this on Youtuber...for years. Where is it now? Who can I declare jihad upon? (When I'm done with the Washington Poop, that is.)


M. Bouffant said...

Muzak Editor Notes:

The blurb said there was another, but claimed this had better sound. A random discovery; as a proponent of the Hollywood/S. F. Valley cretin scene of the late & post '70s, we don't care beyond representation.

(And we're politixed & stupided out [Not that this isn't "stoopid," in the good way.] & realized this would help the minimum daily posting requirement.)

"Quantity is quality," to coin a phrase.

Saw CCR on a bill w/ Wilbert Harrison (as one man band) forty yrs. ago in Paris. (And have lived to repeat the tale.) Oh, nostalgia. Oh, dullness.

Jihad on everything, by the way. Off the pig!