Tuesday, October 27, 2009


2-to-5 Year Olds Spend More than 32 Hours in Front of TV a Week

The amount of television watched by children reached an eight-year high, according to figures released by Nielsen yesterday. The analysis based on 2008 figures reported the time spent watching live and recorded television, as well as movies and gaming systems. When added all up, children ages 6 to 11 spend more than 28 hours in front of a television every week. As could be expected, the increase is due to an increase in programming for children, but analysts also say that the ease with which children can watch shows on demand now also has an effect since they often like to watch their favorite programs over and over again. "When I was a kid, I had Saturday morning cartoons," Nielsen's senior vice president of insights, analysis, and policy said. "And now there are programs they want to watch available to them whenever they want to watch them."  
Read original story in Los Angeles Times | Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2009
Let's see, 16 x 7 = 112 hrs./wk., minus two or three hour-long expeditions, account for the occasional 18 hr. day, we'll figure we don't spend more than 110 hrs./wk. listening to the radio w/ pictures, while occasionally glancing up at the glass teat from the Internet. Kids today, nothing but losers.


Murfyn said...

I remember watching 8 hrs a day in my childhood. These days, 2-3 hrs is plenty, and some days I don't watch anything. I think it helps that I enjoy reading, and some days I actually do something, such as a home improvement project, or a trip to the coast.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I remember we didn't have TV (except for a great big one that was "broken") until I was in jr. H.S.

All part of the insidious brainwashing by my liberal parental units, which seems to have worked.

M. Bouffant said...

Has Suffered Terribly Editor Explains:

Our parental units denied us a tee vee until 1964, when they finally broke down & bought one, IN ORDER TO WATCH THE 1964 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION!!

Meaning that our P. U.s were rather conservative. Couldn't wash our filthy brain though! (Even w/ the home schooling.) But we read a lot when we were young.

As far as home improvement, we try.