Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Local Nostalgia Action

Fans of Pioneer Chicken & The Starwood will note them at the beginning of this.We've no idea if it was shot in The Starwood. Was the stage that big? Don't bother watching/listening. Suicidal urges are the least of the responses this piece of dreck will cause.


Another Kiwi said...

Woo Hoo I allus knew my knowlegde of teh music would win me a prize. See, Feargal (pronounced Furgil)was in The Undertones!!! Here they are singing on of me favourites about My Perfect Cousin.
Send the prize to
Mr. Another Kiwi
16 Happiness Valley Road
Cheerful Kiwiland.

M. Bouffant said...

Nostalgia Editor Notes:

Sadly, past performance is no guarantee of future results.

Hope there's no cousin-humpin' going on in Pleasantville.

And be careful giving out your address. You could find a FedEx box w/ us (& not smelling well, after a long trip) in it on your doorstop one evening.

Substance McGravitas said...

I was fucking jealous of that cousin when he got a synthesizer.

Another Kiwi said...

It was the Human League along to advise him that clinched it. The little bastard.