Saturday, October 31, 2009

Crowd Guesstimation

People who give a flying fuck at a rolling dough-nut about crowd sizes are invited to look around the web for photos & footage of the West Hollywood Hallowe'en Carnaval (Estimated attendance: 400,000, in a town of 1.9 square miles.) to compare w/ the "9/12" teabag events which apparently drew at least a million morons to Wash., D. C.

We will not get anywhere near comparisons of actual "teabagging" activities between the two events.


HTP said...

We will not get anywhere near comparisons of actual "teabagging" activities between the two events.

I'm sure there was a lot more in D.C.

M. Bouffant said...

Contrast & Compare Editor Bets:

Probably more douche-bags in Washington out of 75,000 (approx.) than there were in the hundreds of thousands of revelers in WeHo.