Thursday, September 10, 2009

Olbermann Ignores Larger Truth Of Hannity's "Lie"

Don't you wish MSNBC's Keith Olbermann would just shut the fuck up?
Just moments ago, K. O. claimed that when Sean Hannity, on FOX News after The Messiah's speech last night, said Obumble called insurance co. executives "bad people," Hannity told a "lie." Olby then showed a clip of Obummer saying "insurance executives don't do this because they're bad people."
Be that as it may, we'll trust Mr. Hannity on this one. He's no mind-reader (Probably not much of a reader, period, heh.) but he has full & absolute insight into the minds of hard-left, liberal, socialist, Marxist, fascist, Nazi blacks, that insight having been honed by Hannity's years as an Irish-Catholic bigot.
When Sean Hannity says that the Prez said that insurance execs are evil, we will believe Hannity, as he knows what goes on in the mind of Muslim Marxists who were born in ["Which country are we saying it was this wk?"] & who lie like rugs because they don't believe in the Baby Jesus. Who are you going to believe, supreme intellect Sean Hannity, or your lying ears?

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