Monday, September 21, 2009

Mickey's Math: Or, It's OK To Be Paranoid About What Enigma Obama May Do To "The Organization Of Work Itself!"

Mickey Kaus thinks about it & recognizes there is paranoia in some reactions to President Obama. But it's reasonable paranoia.

It's Not That He's Black. It's That He's An Enigma.

Mickey's most worried about his inability to decode (or whatever he thinks is necessary to figure out) Obama's stand on one of Mick's pet peeves. (Does a sizable portion of Kausfunds come directly from the National Association of Manufacturers? Why so worried about "the organization of  work itself," speaking of paranoia?)
For example, a few months ago I went to a discussion of the pending "card check" bill Obama has endorsed (enigmatically!). Talk turned to the bill's astoundingly intrusive provision for federal arbitration of initial labor contracts, which would iinevitably involve not only the setting of wages but also the organization of work itself. A conservative law prof said he knew Obama as a colleague, and the Obama he knew wouldn't really want that level of detailed and pervasive (if uncoordinated) government direction of economic enterprises. Was the prof right? I have no idea. In contrast, I think I have a pretty confident idea of where Bill Clinton would come down on that issue. I even have a clear idea of where Jimmy Carter would come down on the issue.**
(Emphasis by Kaus.)

Shorter Mick: Obama, having sprung fully grown from the cracked-open skull of Bill Ayres to the U. S. Senate, is an enigma to me, although I can't put my finger on a good reason why. Therefore, paranoia is the safest reaction.
After a few years of Obama, voters will have a surer sense of him on their own and the paranoia should subside. Unfortunately, his biggest legislative fight is now.
**--Of course, one reason a voter might not have a clear idea is that it's been heretofore hard to imagine that mandatory federal arbitration would even be an issue--in recent decades it's been beyond the mainstream pale. If unions didn't like a deal they could strike and try to get a better deal. Then labor got desperate and came up with mandatory arbitration.

Unfamiliar issues + Unfamiliar president = Paranoia.
Mickey included in the paranoia there. Can't have anything in favor of labor. It would be irresponsible not to speculate what horrible things the enigma might do to business (if not "the organization of work itself").

Issues? Unfamiliar to the paranoids as well, we'd imagine, card check not being one of the biggest issues at any Tea Party demo we remember. Issues, other than cutting granny's oxygen, the legitimacy of the President (Who is a socialo-fascist!) & no taxes for anything but socialist entitlements for the lumpen middle, weren't exactly the currency of the 9/12ers. So, if he could just figure out why he can't figure out the enigma that is Obama. Mickey figured out Clinton & Carter, after all.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I'd guess the Mickstir is afraid Obama is going to take away his goats.

Substance McGravitas said...

This Bouffant character: cannibal or model-train enthusiast? NOBODY KNOWS.

M. Bouffant said...

Long Pig Editor Types:

We only eat model railroaders. Aged white meat, not all stringy from exercise, & beer-fed like the finest Kobe beef.

Another Kiwi said...

I like the way he says "Was the prof right? I don't know" and then carries on burbling like people might still be reading.
Thatz the face of coorage, my friends.

M. Bouffant said...

Humour Editor Is Amused:

carries on burbling like people might still be reading.


Substance McGravitas said...

Bouffant: PERSON?

M. Bouffant said...

Questions Editor Answers:

Animal, vegetable, or mineral.

Another Kiwi said...

This guy has another way of looking at things here.
Cynics (read: sane people) might argue the store's proprietors were simply catering to the 9/12 protest crowd that had recently passed through the city. After all, this is still America, and you can't fault them for trying to make a buck. Or can you? Consult the Pay Czar. I, however, prefer to view the merchandise turnabout as a symbol of America's fairly dramatic shift from feverish adulation of our new president to a prevailing sense of cautious skepticism and growing opposition.
Which is to say, "Saints preserve the image of the Virgin Mary is burnt upon my toast"

jim said...

Kaus sure doesn't need to tell ME about the menace that is organized labor ... why, they just negotiated a health-insuance plan, paid for by my employer, INCLUDING DENTAL COVERAGE - & as we all know by now, dentistry is theft.

Is there no depth of depravity to which these union thugs won't stoop?


M. Bouffant said...

Plain Buttered Editor Gasps:

Does that guy realize he's acting deluded, or does he think admitting it makes it OK? "Cautious skepticism AND growing opposition." Aaggh!

The horrible depravity & shame of union thuggery forcing you to leech from your noble, creative, producing boss. You have our sincere pity.

Your editor is a recipient of Medicare, a socialist plot which disgusted us until we discovered teeth & eyes are not covered, so we will not be slaves of the state's union goons.