Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gravy Train To Hell

Previously on Just Another Blog™ we presented Republican strategist Ron Christie & his invocation of "young BLACK conservative" Kenneth Gladney as a telling example of "left-wing violence." Here, we'll save you the trouble of reviewing.
Let's take a closer look at Kenneth Gladney & his attorney (or not his attorney) David Brown, or whatever the deal is, from the Riverfront Times of St. Louis.

Yep, it's another big fucking joke on the American people by right-wing assholes, & plain vanilla assholes looking to make some money. Can you imagine such a thing?
Says King: "The thing is, David Brown is just using this guy Kenneth Gladney to make money. He told me so. He told me in his own words that Mr. Gladney is his gravy train." 


But the atmosphere started to change, says King. He began feeling weird to be one of few black people at the rallies. "At every event I sold at, I had someone white ask me, 'Wow, what are you doing here?' Even at the St. Louis event. It's 99.9 percent white and people are saying things to me like, 'Well, it's great to see capitalism at work!'" 

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