Wednesday, September 9, 2009

From The Nation's Capital

Our wish granted. (He didn't stand up, but that's trivial.)Let's see: Gray suit, white or light-blue shirt, cuff links, expensive-looking watch, lapel pin, class ring, wedding band, subdued tie, male pattern baldness, don't need uh take no notes er nuthin', OK, ready to go.Thanks to J— for confirming our worst suspicions, via S,N!, sparing us from researching (Like that'd happen!) all the GOP's high-jinks. J— calls the photo "The face of the Republican Party."


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Maybe I'n just encouraging them?

Another Kiwi said...

Woo hoo Thunder, the black helicopters will be out for you, dude

Substance McGravitas said...

Those hateful liberals and their heckling ways!

M. Bouffant said...

Up-Date Editor Up-Dates:

The Black Helicopters have indeed disappeared Mr. Thunder&c.

[A Note: Because of my mistake, a version of this story was posted in Swampland, and then taken down, after some comments had been posted. My apologies. I hope those commenters--Stuart, Dee, and Textee, among them--repost.]

And TIME exercises obvious commenter favoritism! Boycott!

Another Kiwi said...

Thunder Gorn! Hulk ANGRY!! Will boycott. Which will be of limited effectiveness given that this is the first time I've ever looked at Time Online, but it's the thought, innit

M. Bouffant said...

Boycott Ed. Sez:


(So far.)

Also: We've spent close to fifty yrs. avoiding TIME, dead-tree or web. Other than medical office waiting time.