Thursday, September 3, 2009

By Now, One Can Only Conclude That This Is Not What It Seems, But Then What The Hell Is It?

New Yawk mag issues a challenge after noting what the Mad Mormon (Mormon Madman, maybe?) said last night.
He then took off after a 1936 bas-relief at 636 Fifth Avenue, saying it "drives me nuts," concluding that a sun represented a "bright tomorrow," a wheel is "industry," and horses are the "engines of industry," and that the whole thing creates a connection between a strong leader, Mussolini, children, indoctrination, and "our president!"
"Aww, no, he di-unt," a nation protests. Oh, yes he did. Watch & weep, nation of sheep.
Have any of these statues or murals ever come to life & spoken to Mr. Beck? It would be irresponsible for a psychiatric professional not to ask Beck about this.
The comments indicate that it's working, though:

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