Friday, September 18, 2009

Bury Neo-Conservatism With Kristol (Either One)

Just noted crap from a winger. Subhead:
The late Irving Kristol blazed a path from the labor left to the Reaganite right. But he never lost faith in the resilience of democracy—and the disfiguring effects of political rage.
First pullquote:
For Kristol, neoconservatism was a persuasion, not an ideology, one that is as hopeful and forward-looking and cheerful as traditional conservatism is pessimistic and nostalgic and darkly foreboding.
You will be needing the proverbial shitmoat for this; there will be a shitstorm of untruths about what a swell humanoid, intellectual giant & Great American he was. Better look for some shitshutters, too. And see how much duct tape is left.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Fuck that evil, lying psychopath to Hell. Not to mention his dim-witted Fred Hiatt-employed lying psychopath son.

I hope we can find out where the piece of shit is buried, because I will need to pee there.

M. Bouffant said...

"Politeness is to do & say, the kindest things in the kindest way" Editor Is Shocked, Simply Shocked, & Adds:

It is fortunate that this enterprise is so far under the radar that the heat we feel is from the earth's molten core, rather than the sun, or your well-put outburst might have attracted the attention of the civility brigade. (Who have our permission to go fuck themselves, if they need it.) And we all know how uncivil they can be.

It may be tough to piss on an urn on Bloody Bill's mantel, but worth a try, eh?